Metabolic Syndrome Specialist

At Lakeshore Weight Loss, James G. Zolzer, MD, FACOG and Todd J. Adams, MD, MPH, FACOG along with Melissa Ranallo, PA-C, offer treatment plans for their patients who have been diagnosed with metabolic syndrome and slow metabolism. The practice serves many North Carolina residents, including those living in Lake Norman, Davidson, Huntersville and Mooresville.
Lakeshore Renewal > Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic Syndrome Q & A



What is metabolic syndrome?

Metabolic syndrome is a group of health conditions that when diagnosed as a group, can increase a person's risk of serious disease. Having one or more of these conditions does not mean metabolic syndrome will be the final diagnosis, but it does indicate that the body is not functioning efficiently. When high blood sugar, abnormally high levels of cholesterol, and chronic high blood pressure, are all present at the same time, serious steps must be taken to remedy the problem. If not, the risk of diabetes, heart disease, or stroke increases substantially. Metabolic syndrome occurs when the combination of these illnesses begin to alter all functions within the body.

What are symptoms associated with metabolic syndrome?

The most prominent symptom is a large waist. Although metabolic syndrome has no real symptoms of its own, it may take on symptoms of other chronic illnesses, such as diabetes or heart disease. Increased thirst and urination, shortness of breath, blurry vision and extreme fatigue are common for patients who are diagnosed with metabolic syndrome. A person's blood sugar may be higher than normal, along with higher cholesterol levels. If a person begins to experience any or all of these symptoms, a trip to the doctor is imperative.

What is PCOS and how is it related to metabolic syndrome?

PCOS, or polycystic ovarian syndrome, is a condition that affects the ovaries. Women who have been diagnosed with PCOS may also have the same symptomology of someone who has metabolic syndrome. These symptoms include obesity, fluctuations in blood sugar levels and dyslipidemia. Both are characterized by insulin resistance and a dramatic increase in abdominal weight. Women who have been diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome have a much higher risk of metabolic syndrome than women who don't have PCOS. Women who have been diagnosed with both health conditions are also put at a higher risk for heart attack and stroke.

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