SmartLipo Liposuction Specialist

Even though you continue to diet and exercise, sometimes you just can’t seem to achieve the weight-loss results you’ve always wanted. For this reason, fat reduction continues to be one of the most common cosmetic complaints. To answer the demand for an effective treatment that provides dramatic results, the providers at Lakeshore Renewal in Mooresville, North Carolina offer SmartLipo™.
Lakeshore Renewal >SmartLipo Liposuctoin

SmartLipo™ Liposuction Q & A


What is SmartLipo?

SmartLipo is an FDA-approved form of laser liposuction chosen by Lakeshore Renewal providers for its ability to permanently remove unwanted fat. This minimally-invasive, in-office procedure can help slim down your legs, arms, abdomen, buttocks, and even your face and neck.

How does SmartLipo work?

The providers at Lakeshore Renewal make a small incision at the treatment site and insert a thin tube into the area. This tube contains SmartLipo laser fiber, which delivers thermal energy directly to your fat cells.

The laser energy disrupts and melts your fatty tissues, which allows the liquefied fat to be removed through a gentle suction process. As this happens, your tissues around the targeted area tighten, giving you a smoother physique.

What can you expect during the SmartLipo procedure?

SmartLipo offers a faster recovery than traditional liposuction methods, making it easier to get back to your busy lifestyle. The providers at Lakeshore Renewal use local anesthesia to ensure minimal discomfort during the procedure. You may feel a light pressure during the procedure, but it’s a mild sensation.

The length of the sessions depends on the number and size of the treatment areas. However, the procedure typically lasts between 1-2 hours.

What can I expect following the SmartLipo procedure?

You may experience some aches similar to the feeling of a post-workout following your treatment session. Slight bruising and swelling are also normal.

Depending on your condition, your provider might recommend you wear a compression garment for a week or so following the procedure to help with the healing process and minimize any aches. However, you can typically return to your daily activities within a day or two.  

When can I expect to see results following a SmartLipo procedure?

Most patients typically achieve results in just one treatment session. You can expect to see results within a week of your session, which continues to improve over the course of 3-6 months.

Although SmartLipo permanently eliminates your targeted fat cells, the providers at Lakeshore Renewal still recommend maintaining a healthy diet and exercising regularly.

If you’re interested in learning more about how SmartLipo can reshape your body, call the providers at Lakeshore Renewal or schedule an appointment online.

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